Buying a listed property

The UK has a rich history and as a result we have a wealth of old and
Buying in a busy market

Spring is a busy time in the property market but, 2021 is proving to be busier than ever
New Sellers Spring into Action

Now that the snow has officially receded and the weather is warming up somewhat, we can officially say that spring has sprung
Market Trends Q1 2021

Not all properties are created equal; some homes are simply more desirable than others and that means you need to know
Strongest Housing Market in a Decade

The latest statistics from the leading online portals suggest that so far
The Budget 2021

The Annual Budget Statement is the Government’s opportunity to announce changes in taxation
Electrical Safety Standards in the Private Rented Sector

The Electrical Safety Standards in the Private Rented Sector (England) Regulations 2020…
Financing your home in 2021

In 2020 refinancing or getting a new mortgage for a home move proved difficult for many people
Brexit and the Housing Market

Now that Brexit is done, we can start to look at how the UK’s new status could affect property with a little more clarity
Moving during the 2021 lock down

Well, the first week of 2021 didn’t quite prove to be the big swing back to normality we were all hoping for
A year to remember…

What started off as a positive year turned into one of the most difficult in recent times, we look back on 2020 at some of the highlights our industry still had despite the pandemic
Why January is a great time to sell your property

While 2020 has been a bit of an anomaly, statistically speaking the housing market has shown amazing resilience